
All Your Technologies Working Together

Third-Party Integration

Third-Party IntegrationLeveraging Different Systems to Create True Force Multipliers

Interoperability between systems can be critically important to the safety and effectiveness of your response. The Horizon EME was built for interoperability, using an industry-standard, open architecture that makes it easy to seamlessly integrate with systems from other vendors. This provides your personnel with one point of access to all the information and capabilities available throughout each system, meaning they are able to decide and respond faster, safer, and more effectively than ever before.

No Longer Tied to One Vendor

With dozens of third-party integrations ranging from NG911 to RMS to digital CCTV and beyond, Symposium has a second-to-none track record in delivering seamless, transparent, multi-system solutions. With Symposium, you won’t find yourself tied to one vendor through lack of integration options. Instead, you can choose your systems based on what works best for your needs.

Open, Industry-Standard Architecture

The Horizon EME is built using standard open and non-proprietary software design protocols and technologies (C++, XML, SQL, ODBC, TCP/IP, etc.). This enables simple and seamless two-way integration with any third-party technologies or applications that utilize modern software design principles.